Marcello Cacciato, Metyis Data Science Director and GenAI expert, shares insights on the applications, benefits, and challenges in enhancing customer interactions and streamlining operations with GenAI.

A career in data and AI can be transformative when you grasp the deeper meaning behind the numbers, something Marcello Cacciato, Metyis Data Science Director, understands well. With a background in astrophysics, Marcello transitioned from uncovering the mysteries of the universe to deconstructing business complexities through AI. “My journey in the field of AI and Generative AI has been both exciting and transformative. I began my career with a strong foundation in astrophysics, where I focused on understanding the intricate relationships between galaxies and dark matter. This research required extensive data analysis and modelling, which naturally led me to develop a keen interest in data science and analytics.”  

“I believe that AI and Generative AI hold immense potential to revolutionise various fields, and I am excited to continue exploring and contributing to this dynamic and rapidly evolving domain."

Marcello Cacciato, Data Science Director 

While moving from the study of galaxies to data science may seem like a stark contrast, for Marcello, both are driven by the same underlying principles—unveiling complex patterns through data. Whether analysing the vastness of the cosmos or intricate human behaviour, the challenge is equally thrilling, especially in an era defined by artificial intelligence. “Over the years, I transitioned from academia to the private sector, where I applied my analytical skills to various industries. My work in data mining and digital transformation consulting allowed me to explore the vast potential of AI in solving complex problems and optimising processes.”  

For those like Marcello with an analytical mind, all data is insightful when you find new ways of understanding. Within Marcello’s lifetime he has had the chance to explore galaxies and dark matter and now using the same skills he can see vast networks of human and business data through a lens of artificial intelligence. Reflecting on his journey, Marcello adds: “The advent of Generative AI opened up new horizons for me. I was fascinated by the ability of AI to create and innovate, pushing the boundaries of what machines can achieve. My recent projects have involved leveraging Generative AI to develop advanced models and applications that can generate realistic and creative outputs, from text to images and beyond.” 

The benefits of GenAI for business 

The benefits of GenAI cannot be overstated but they must be distilled to the most useful and actionable applications for businesses. At Metyis, Marcello has seen firsthand its potential and has isolated three areas he finds AI can make a significant impact.

Boosted customer interaction

Customers' lives just got a lot easier, and they are one of the main beneficiaries of these applications. Since the advent of GenAI, simplicity and accessibility have improved the overall experience as Marcello explains, “Specifically, AI chatbots and virtual assistants have completely transformed customer service by offering quick, accurate, and personalised responses. This has significantly increased customer engagement and satisfaction”.

Streamlined operations  

Freeing up time and resources is a big one for businesses. Strategic thinking is what leads progress and GenAI has cleared the way, “Generative AI takes care of repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing businesses to concentrate on more strategic goals. This not only makes operations more efficient but also cuts costs and frees up valuable staff time”.   

Unleashed creativity

More time, less labourious tasks, and better allocation of productivity are good news for creative thinking. “Generative AI has helped clients explore new creative horizons. Whether it’s coming up with new product designs, crafting engaging marketing content, or creating unique customer experiences, AI has become a key catalyser of creative content production”.

Not so fast, not so easy 

While GenAI offers exciting opportunities, it’s not as simple as picking up an off-the-shelf solution. For Marcello, custom solutions are the way forward, especially for businesses with complex needs. Marcello defends the idea that “Companies should consider custom Generative AI solutions over off-the-shelf offerings for several compelling reasons”. 

Data control and security

“With custom solutions, companies have greater control over their data. This is crucial for industries with strict data privacy and security requirements, as it ensures that sensitive information is handled according to specific standards.”

System integration

“Custom solutions can be integrated with a company’s existing systems and workflows, ensuring a smoother implementation and better overall efficiency, while at the same time avoiding the vendor lock-in problem.” 


"While off-the-shelf solutions can be cost-effective and quick to deploy, they often lack the customisation that many businesses need to fully leverage the power of Generative AI.”

The greatest implementation challenges 

Though GenAI promises a world of possibilities, implementing it isn’t without its hurdles. Marcello outlines the key challenges clients face.

Data quality and availability

One of the fundamental challenges in implementing GenAI is access to clean and relevant data. Marcello explains, “Generative AI needs a ton of high-quality data to really unlock its potential. Making sure this data is accessible, clean, and relevant can be a big challenge. In this respect, Metyis has several years of experience with data platform creation and orchestration. Also, Metyis’ solid knowledge of cloud services is a big asset in this context.” 

Talent scarcity 

Even with the right data, finding skilled professionals to develop and maintain GenAI systems is often a struggle. According to Marcello, “There’s a real shortage of skilled AI and machine learning experts. Finding and keeping the right talent to develop and maintain GenAI solutions is a common struggle for companies, especially if their core business is not directly related to data science.” However, this talent gap is not something that has hindered Marcello and his team’s work because he adds, “Metyis reveals itself as an efficient and effective attractor of international talents”. 

Integration with existing systems  

Another common hurdle is integrating new AI solutions with legacy systems because “plugging new AI solutions into your current IT setup and workflows can be tricky and time-consuming. It’s crucial to ensure a smooth integration without disrupting ongoing operations.” 

“By taking a strategic and thoughtful approach, organisations can harness the full potential of GenAI to drive innovation and growth.” 

The exciting rise of multi-agent applications 

When it comes to the cutting edge of GenAI, Marcello is most excited about multi-agent applications—an advancement that allows AI systems to work together collaboratively to solve complex problems. 
There are many exciting trends in GenAI, but some of the main ones to look out for are solutions capable of breaking down complex problems. As humans, we have a limited capacity to process information, which is why technology has become key to speeding up and enhancing our ability to analyse and deconstruct complex and sophisticated tasks. This is why multi-agent applications are on the top of the minds of experts like Marcello. “One of the most exciting trends in Generative AI (GenAI) is the rise of multi-agent applications. These involve multiple AI agents working collaboratively to solve complex problems or create sophisticated outputs.”  

The practical applications

Having artificial intelligence with heightened problem-solving capabilities means greater flexibility and scalability. This range means it can be deployed across multiple domains as Marcello points out.

"In the field of autonomous vehicles, different AI agents can handle various tasks such as navigation, obstacle detection, and decision-making. By working together, these agents can create a more reliable and efficient autonomous driving system."

"Another compelling example is smart manufacturing. Here, multiple AI agents can manage different aspects of the production process, such as quality control, supply chain management, and predictive maintenance. By coordinating their efforts, these agents can optimise production efficiency, reduce downtime, and improve product quality."

"In the healthcare sector, multi-agent systems can revolutionise patient care. For instance, one agent could analyse medical images, another could manage patient records, and a third could provide real-time monitoring and alerts. Together, these agents can offer a comprehensive and integrated approach to patient management, leading to better outcomes and more personalised care.”

For organisations new to AI, the key to successfully adopting GenAI solutions is to start small and scale gradually.” 

Marcello Cacciato, Data Science Director 

The ability to get multiple agents working together represents a shift towards more dynamic, adaptive, and intelligent AI solutions that can handle increasingly complex real-world challenges. 

The novelty of multi-agent applications lies in their ability to distribute tasks among specialised agents, each excelling in its domain. This collaborative approach not only enhances the overall performance and reliability of the system but also allows for more complex and nuanced problem-solving. By leveraging the strengths of multiple agents, these systems can achieve a level of sophistication and efficiency that would be difficult for a single AI agent to attain. This trend is paving the way for more advanced and practical AI solutions across various industries. 

Shaping AI from scratch 

Marcello’s advice as a seasoned data and AI expert is to have a cautious, well-planned approach to adopting GenAI by focusing on building capabilities and addressing specific needs, “For organisations new to AI, the key to successfully adopting GenAI solutions is to start small and scale gradually. Begin with pilot projects that address specific business needs and demonstrate clear value.” 

This can all be attained by keeping in mind that, “It’s also crucial to invest in the right talent and foster a culture of continuous learning and experimentation. Collaborating with experienced AI partners can provide valuable insights and accelerate the adoption process.” 

Never forgetting that maintaining ethical standards is a must, “Organisations should prioritise ethical considerations and ensure transparency in their AI initiatives to build trust with stakeholders.” All in all, this ability to see the bigger picture by taking small steps is key to long-term growth, “By taking a strategic and thoughtful approach, organisations can harness the full potential of GenAI to drive innovation and growth.” 

Insights from above 

Marcello’s journey highlights how important it is to analyse and handle data the right way—whether it's about galaxies or consumer behaviour, the insights can be eye-opening when seen through the right lens. Reflecting on his experience, Marcello adds: “Throughout my journey, I have remained passionate about the intersection of data, technology, and innovation. I believe that AI and Generative AI hold immense potential to revolutionise various fields, and I am excited to continue exploring and contributing to this dynamic and rapidly evolving domain.”